With Transcendence Coaching our mission is to empower our clients on the way to finding solutions in their current and changing life situation, overcoming limitations and expanding their life horizons.

It may include overcoming addictions, anxieties, fears and phobias, identifying, releasing and transforming limiting beliefs and emotional blocs in order to bring more joy, energy and fulfilment into each person's life.

By raising awareness about ourselves and our recurrent mental patterns, we can take back control of our lives and break through and outside our comfort zone in order to achieve our fullest potential.

Transcendence coaches' mission is to guide individuals in this process.

In our professional counseling relationship with our clients we commit to empower individuals in achieving mental health, wellness, and reaching personal, education, career and spiritual goals, ultimately benefiting the whole community.



Trust is the cornerstone of the counseling relationship, and we have the responsibility to respect and safeguard the client’s right to privacy and confidentiality.

Our clients receive a guarantee of complete confidentiality. The entire content of the sessions will be kept confidential and private. Exceptions to confidentiality are rare but they do exist, for example, when working with minors. If the therapist would like to use the case for furthering her qualifications, the permission of the client will be asked and the identity will be kept anonymous.


Our primary responsibility is to respect the dignity and promote the welfare of our clients. We respect the diversity of our clients, their values and their beliefs, their goals in life.

As therapists we are trained not to let personal standards impact the personal individual journey of our clients. Our responsibility is to listen to our clients in most compassionate way, try to understand thoughts, concerns and behaviors in order to assist in internal transformation that will bring joy, confident energy and self-realisation in a person's life.


We aspire to open communication with our clients and commit to providing adequate information about the counseling and coaching process, and ourselves as qualified counselors and therapists. We explicitly explain to clients the nature of all services provided, and discuss the purpose, goals, techniques, procedures, potential limitations and conflicts of interest, benefits of services, fees and relationship boundaries. In return, we expect full honesty of the client on the medical history and circumstances pertaining to their seeking counseling in order to be in the best position for effective assistance and guidance. Informed consent is an ongoing part of the counseling process.

Next Steps...

Please book your session here:

Please note that 10% of all our revenues go to the Association.